Case Converter - Change Your Text Uppercase to Lowercase Tip: Microsoft Word also supports "Small Caps", a hybrid variant of text Change case in Word 2016 (uppercase / lowercase / invert)Ĭhange letter casing between uppercase, lowercase, title case, in MS Word, it will generally detect it, turn it off, and convert your text to normal case. In the resulting dialog box, select Small Caps.) Make sure the first letter of each word is uppercase. To convert words properly to small caps, you need to go through several steps, as follows: Select the current word (or group of words). Adjusting Small Caps Text (Microsoft Word) - Tips.Net the text you want to convert and then click on the Change Case button on the Home tab. Turn Caps Lock Text back to Normal in MS WordĬhange Caps Lock Text to Sentence Case Here is an added tip: If you press CTRL + SHIFT + K, the text will revert to small caps. Use =UPPER(A2) in cases where you need to convert text to uppercase, replacing A2 with the appropriate cell reference. To convert the text to lowercase, type =LOWER(A2) instead. This formula converts the name in cell A2 from uppercase to proper case. In cell B2, type =PROPER(A2), then press Enter. Change the case of text - Office Support The Easy Way To Convert Text Between Upper Case, Lower Case and Sentence Case Or if you are a marketer and want to capitalise the first letter of each word, then “Lower Case” which converts all the letters into small letters like this.
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Case Converter - Your Handy FREE Online Tool
#Small caps in word how to
If you do not know how to convert the case or capitalization of text in Word Adjusting Small Caps Text (Microsoft Word) - Tips.NetĮasily convert text between different letter cases: lower case, UPPER CASE, Sentence case, Capitalized Character Count: 0 | Word Count: 0 | Line Count: 0. Online case converter allows you to change your text from UPPERCASE to lowercase, lowercase to UPPERCASE, or capitalize words in sentences with a simple click. Word Convert To Small Case, Convert Case Converter Tool